Microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf
Microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf

microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf

  • Next, right-click anywhere on the Quick Access Toolbar and then select Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon.
  • Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Excel 2016 Click the down arrow again and select Quick Print from the drop-down list (see right). The Open icon is added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • On the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down arrow.
  • Point to each icon on the Quick Access Toolbar and read the description that appears as a ScreenTip.
  • USE the blank workbook you opened in the previous exercise to perform these steps: Step by Step: Use the Onscreen Tools GET READY.
  • You can modify the commands on the toolbar so that it contains only commands you use most frequently.
  • You can move the toolbar below the ribbon if you want it closer to your work area.
  • The Quick Access Toolbar on the left side of the title bar, above the ribbon, gives you fast and easy access to the tools you use most often.
  • When you launch Excel and click Blank workbook, the program opens a new workbook and displays a blank worksheet.
  • Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Excel Core 2016
  • Enter information by typing it into the active cell (also called the current cell or highlighted cell), which is outlined by a bold rectangle.
  • Each box, or cell, on the grid is identified by the intersection of a column and a row.
  • Each row starts at the left edge of the worksheet and continues to the right edge and is identified by a number.
  • Each worksheet column starts at the top of the worksheet and goes to the bottom of the worksheet and is identified by a letter.
  • A worksheet is a grid composed of rows, columns, and cells.
  • Step by Step: Start Excel (2 of 3) Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Excel 2016 LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise. A blank workbook opens, and the worksheet named Sheet1 appears. The Excel window opens to display recent Excel files you’ve opened and examples of templates you can use (see the figure on the next slide).
  • In the list of applications, scroll down as necessary and click Excel 2016.
  • #Microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf windows 10

  • With the Windows desktop displayed, click the Start button in the lower-left corner of the Windows 10 screen.
  • Be sure Microsoft Excel is installed on your computer. Step by Step: Start Excel (1 of 3) GET READY.
  • Add worksheets with the New sheet (+) button as needed.
  • Rename worksheets to identify their content.
  • The sheet tabs are located just above the Status bar and are identified as Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.
  • The new workbook contains one worksheet (Sheet1) by default.
  • microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf

    Book1 (or Book2, Book3, and so on) is a temporary title for your workbook until you save the workbook with a name of your choice.When you open a blank workbook, the temporary filename (Book1) and the program name (Excel) appear in the title bar at the top of the screen.A workbook, or spreadsheet file, can be compared to a physical book with many pages.Typically, you will open a Blank workbook or open a previous file.Click Start and then click Excel 2016 to open Excel.SoftwareOrientation (2 of 2) Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Excel 2016

    microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf

    The figure on the next slide shows the ribbon.

    microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf

    You can customize the ribbon and other tabs might appear, such as the Developer and Add-Ins tabs.Each tab is divided into task-specific command groups with commands and options that relate to the group name.The ribbon is organized into task-oriented command tabs. The tools you use while working in Excel are located on the ribbon across the top of the window.The foundation of Excel and locations where you do your work are cells, rows, and columns within a worksheet, and worksheets as part of a workbook.Microsoft Office Excel 2016 provides powerful tools to organize, analyze, manage, and share information.Microsoft Excel 2016 Lesson 1 Overview Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Excel 2016

    Microsoft excel 2016 tutorial pdf